








Understanding your optimal profit margin is vital for your business's growth. Armed with this data, you can devise strategies for your business's resources to plan for long-term expansion.

How To Determine Profit Margin

To figure out your profit margin, employ the Profit Margin Calculator and adhere to these four steps:

  • 1. Input Your Item(s) Cost: Enter the gross cost of each item you aim to sell. This includes the cost of production, materials, and any expenses linked to the product's creation.

  • 2. Decide Your Profit Percentage: Settle on the profit percentage you want to earn on each sale. This amount should be over and above the production cost of each item.

  • 3. Compute Profit: After entering your inputs, click on Calculate profit. The Profit Margin Calculator employs an algorithm to suggest the optimal selling price for your product based on your set profit percentage.

  • 4. Establish Your Pricing: The outcome is a pricing recommendation based on your inputs. Charging this price ensures you cover your costs, earn your set profit, and stay competitive.

What Is the Profit Margin Formula?

The profit margin formula determines the profit percentage earned from each sale. By dividing the gross profit margin by net revenue and multiplying that by 100, you can compute your profit margin.

Profit Margin = (Gross Profit/Net Revenue) x 100

This formula offers insight into your business's profitability and should steer pricing decisions for sustainable growth.

What Constitutes a Good Profit Margin?

A good profit margin hinges on your industry, business model, and market conditions. Typically, a higher profit margin signifies better financial health and efficiency.

For industries with high operating costs or fierce competition, lower profit margins might be standard. In contrast, industries with unique products or services and limited competition might see higher profit margins.

While there's no universal answer, it's necessary to compare your profit margin with industry benchmarks and competitors to understand your performance in context. Also, consider factors like your business's growth objectives, market share, and overall financial stability when assessing your profit margin.

What Constitutes a Good Profit Margin?

Though "margin" and "markup" are frequently used interchangeably, they have unique meanings in business finance.

Margin denotes the revenue percentage that represents profit after subtracting the cost of goods sold. Margin concentrates on the relationship between profit and revenue.

Conversely, Markup is the amount added to the cost of goods to set the selling price. It is expressed as a cost percentage. Markup focuses on the relationship between the cost of goods and the selling price.

In essence, margin is a profitability measure based on revenue, while markup is a pricing measure based on cost.



只要使用計算工具,系統就會自動幫您算出毛利率,相當輕鬆簡單。如要手動計算,請從銷貨淨額 (即總營收減去退款、折讓與折扣) 中減去銷貨成本 (COGS),然後將得到的數字除以銷貨淨額,即可算出毛利率 (以百分比表示)。

Shopify 的免費利潤率計算工具可幫您計算,不過您也可以使用以下的公式自行算出數值:

  1. 步驟 1:X (銷貨淨額) - Y (銷貨成本) = Z
  2. 步驟 2:Z / X (銷貨淨額) = % 毛利率

按照這些簡單的步驟操作,就能計算出 20% 利潤率的定價:

  1. 將 20% 轉換為小數形式,也就是 0.2。
  2. 從 1 減去 0.2,得到 0.8
  3. 將商品的原始價格除以 0.8
  4. 所得的數字就是想達到 20% 的利潤率所需設定的商品定價。

利潤率計算工具是 Shopify 為商家提供的免費工具,因此可免費使用。